


03. 10. 2023.

The digital future of companies depends on the digital skills of employees

Companies face challenges in realising their digital potential, as many employees lack necessary digital skills. Copenhagen Airport is among those who want to keep up with the digital development, but finds that the experience is lacking in the staff.

Digital upskilling is no longer just for specialists, but crucial for most job functions. To achieve digital success, business leaders need to ensure that all employees develop digital skills, as digitalisation becomes increasingly necessary to meet compliance, efficiency and quality requirements.

Management plays a key role by making clear demands on employees’ digital skills and ensuring continuous upskilling. The analysis shows that one in four adult Danes lacks basic digital skills, and companies must assume the responsibility to build on the employees’ competences.

Experience from Copenhagen Airport shows that employees are willing to develop and that digitalisation can be introduced incrementally through smaller areas using apps. Superusers play a key role in building broad digital skills and promoting a positive attitude towards digitalisation.

Organisations must ensure that all employees are aware of their digital expectations and create a culture where skills development is integrated as a natural part of digital projects. Upskilling is a cultural change that is best incorporated into everyday life to ensure a successful digital transformation.

Read more about the speech here.

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  • Digitalna tehnologija / specijalizacija:

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