


14. 11. 2023.

The IT sector evaluates the new government’s programme statement – particularly appreciates the comprehensive approach to the development of education and the digital transformation of businesses

Key stakeholders of the Slovak ICT sector associations in the Digital Coalition (DK) and IT Association of Slovakia (ITAS) respond to the Government’s Programme Statement (PVV). They welcome the efforts of the new government to have a systemic approach to working with human capital and to develop the digital skills of the Slovak population. They are also particularly positive that the material delivers not only promises but also concrete solutions to the challenges of digitalisation. At the same time, employers offer active cooperation to the government in meeting the objectives set out in the GEA throughout the parliamentary term. 

A digitally skilled population and sufficient skilled people in IT specialist positions are a key prerequisite for our country to succeed in the digital transformation of society and to be able to unleash its full potential. This will take the form, for example, of increasing labour productivity and the competitiveness of domestic businesses, developing innovations or raising the standard of living of the population. “The digital transformation of businesses will require the available capacity of IT specialists in both existing and emerging occupations. At individual level, increasing digital skills brings better labour market opportunities, a wider choice of job offers, higher pay, more flexible working conditions and faster career progression,”explains President DK, Mário Lelovský.

For this reason too, the main organisations representing the Slovak IT sector welcome the strategic material of the new government’s priorities for the current parliamentary term. “It is beyond doubt that the IT sector in Slovakia is one of the most important drivers of our economy with high added value and great potential for the future. It is clear from the proposed text of the programme statement that the representatives of the new government are aware of this,” said President of ITAS, Emil Fitoš. Employers also appreciate the positive position of political leaders in the GEA on the challenges ahead for Slovakia in the coming years, as well as for delivering concrete, feasible and systemic solutions in addition to pledges. “Under the Programme Declaration, the Government commits to supporting investments that will ensure not only an increase in the number of IT specialists needed, but also the modernisation and development of lifelong learning accessible to the entire population, without discrimination in terms of age, education or region. These will ensure that these people have the opportunity to develop their skills in order to maintain their jobs and competitiveness in the labour market. I also welcome the specific statements in favour of the Alliance of Sector Councils as the National Coordinator for Lifelong Learning,” adds President DK, Mário Lelovský. 

Employers also appreciate the fact that the material envisages innovation-driven economic growth in the country, and the indispensable digital transformation of Slovak businesses and public administration is also among the key four points. “We welcome efforts to improve governance in the area of digitalisation of public administration. The text states that the government will support the completion of the digital transformation of the internal processes of the public administration, which I consider to be a key prerequisite for a better and more efficient functioning of all state offices. I also consider it not less important to implement high-quality technological solutions without which the modernisation of public administration cannot be realised”, said Fitoš. However, according to the GEA, the Slovak education sector should also have a significant impact on innovation. “Government is talking about supporting a comprehensive digital transformation of education in primary, secondary and higher education, schools, as well as counselling and prevention facilities. The use of technology should now also be a key tool for cutting red tape and improving the collection of information on the real state of our education,” says Lelovský. This also adds that, after many years, the government also has the ambition to start a systemic approach to the policy of returning qualified Slovak citizens operating abroad back to Slovakia. 

At the same time, the IT sector welcomes the fact that the government has inspired the more successful countries in preparing the declaration and also took into account the demands of practitioners. It is also a priority for stakeholders to ensure the continuous continuation of the already implemented activities aimed at improving the digital skills of vulnerable groups of the Slovak population. “On the basis of successfully completed national projects such as the Digital Pupil, the Ukrainian pupil, Upgrading the digital skills of seniors and disadvantaged groups in public administration (Digital Club), we offer our active assistance and cooperation to the current government, and in particular the Minister for Investment, to fulfil the commitments made by the Programme Declaration,” President DK, Mário Lelovský, concludes.

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  • Digitalna tehnologija / specijalizacija:

    Digitalne vještine

  • Razina digitalnih vještina:

    Stručnjak za digitalni sektor


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