


12. 12. 2022.

New final report on digital excellence

The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and the University Chancellor Office have had a joint government mandate to promote the supply of digital excellence. Together they operate the Digital Excellence website and have also been tasked with analysing and developing proposals in the area of digital excellence, and the final report has now been presented. The report presents proposals that, through a combination of efforts, can improve the supply of digital excellence in Sweden in both the short and the long term.

The final report presents a number of proposals in different areas. The proposals include investment in education and research environments, structures for improved stakeholder interaction, and the development of statistical and foresight products highlighting the demand and supply of digital excellence across different forecasting horizons. The report underlines that for innovation and growth to flourish in Sweden, more digital specialists and more with digital excellence are needed. At the same time, there are a number of challenges that hamper development, and joint efforts need to be undertaken here. The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and the University Chancellor Office (UK) propose a number of initiatives that are part of the umbrella concept of Digital Skills.

Proposed actions

The umbrella concept of Digital Skills includes three different actions: (I) training and research efforts, (ii) improved interaction, and (iii) increased knowledge. Brief summaries of these actions are presented here.

Education and research efforts

In education and research, the report highlights the importance of strengthening first-time students’ ability to achieve digital excellence, as well as re-skilling and upskilling of professionals.

Improved interaction

In the context of improved cooperation, the report proposes the creation of a Cooperation Council. The Council will have the task of bringing together stakeholders to jointly work on identifying and enforcing solutions to promote a better supply of digital excellence. In addition, the Council will work to increase the attractiveness of education, promote synergies and consensus, promote attractiveness for foreign talent, promote gender equality, manage and develop statistics and forecasts in this area, and conduct regular business intelligence.

Increased knowledge

The action on knowledge enhancement includes ensuring improved access to statistics and forecasting the need for digital excellence in both industry and the public sector. This information should then be able to support training in order to meet the needs with a relevant training offer that meets both short and long-term needs.


The report has been prepared by project managers Jonas Öhlin, UK and Josef Lannemyr, Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth.

Saznaj više

  • Digitalna tehnologija / specijalizacija:

    Digitalne vještine

  • Razina digitalnih vještina:

    Stručnjak za digitalni sektor


  • Geografski opseg - Država:


  • Vrsta inicijative:

    Nacionalna inicijativa