


12. 12. 2022.

Lively panel call with some of Sweden’s most influential in digitalisation

The Digital Project Office invited a lively panel discussion with a strong focus on the strategy and vision Sweden needs to develop its opportunities in the field of digitalisation. Topics addressed include digital literacy, leadership for a digital vision and strategy, the need for further societal interaction, as well as the potential of data and infrastructure. The equal town of Hoting, which has been part of Digitalidag’s work for several years, was also visited to monitor progress. The broadcast was led by Katarina Pietrzak and sent from Telia’s studio in Solna.


Susanne Ackum, President of the Transformation Forum
Oscar Stege Unger, President Digitalidag
Judith Wolst, Digital strateg author
Antje Jackélen, Archbishop of the Church of
Sweden Helene Barnekow, CEO Acension
Helen Sjöström, Vice-President. CEO. NOx Consulting
Caroline Söder, CEO TSL
Anders Olsson, CEO Telia Sverige
Anna Eriksson, Director-General for Digital Administration, DIGG
Anna-Karin Samuelson, Head of Personnel Ericsson
Susanna Gideonsson, President LO
Björn Flintberg, Doktorand and Digital strateg RISE
Daniel Antonsson, strateg DIGG KYE
Andersson, Chief Experience Officer Co-founder Canucci
Sara Övreby, Director General Google Sverige
Åsa Lindh, Director General of the Service Centre
Staffan Isling, Chief Executive of Sweden’s Municipalities and Regions, SKR
Dan Sjöblom, Director-General Post-och telestyrelsen (PTS)
Tove Lifvendahl, Political editor-in-chief Svenska Dagbladet, SvD

About Digital Day

Digital Day is an annual and national thematic day, which in 2022 had 1000 activities in 215 different locations across the country. Industry, municipalities, public authorities, libraries, academia, civil society and other societal stakeholders are involved in building a digitally inclusive society for all.

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