


19. 12. 2022.

The subsidised digital skills programme by the Central Association of Chambers of Greece “Upgrading the digital skills of workers in the private sector” was completed

The Central Union of Chambers of Greece, anticipating the digital skills gap in the private sector, started to implement a subsidised upskilling programme for all employees since May 2020. 

Its main objective was to strengthen the professional qualifications of beneficiaries through counselling, training and certification in all regions of Greece in the following ICT specialisations: 

  •    Basic ICT usage skills
  •    Web design specialist for Mobile Device Applications
  •    Software applications technician
  •    Database developer
  •    Electronic network calculator technician
  •    It Security technician;
  •    Social media marketing technician and tools
  •    Electronic Commerce Systems Specialist (E-COMMERCE)

These subjects were selected as they are in line with the orientation of strengthening and developing digital skills and are in line with the overall need for digital transformation. It is striking that 23.274 applications were made for participation,while the project as a whole concerned the provision of services for 15.000 beneficiaries, which demonstrates both an interest in the project and a high demand for such actions. 

The benefits obtained by the participants in the programme relate mainly to:

  • acquisition of digital knowledge
  • enhancing their employability; 
  • with a view to improving their employment conditions and their professional mobility
  • ensuring the most favourable working conditions 
  • adapting to changes in the business environment
  • their access to the new opportunities offered by the digital transformation of the economy.

As regards the project’s quantitative data, 75.498 sessions were held with the assistance of 466 consultants. A total of 15.551 participants (6.617 men and 8.934 women) participated of whom completed training action 14.707, i.e. 96 % of the total. The age distribution of participants is:

  • 31-40 g participation 6.408 persons
  • 21-30 g participation 4.781 persons  
  • 41-50 g participation 3.308 persons  

The action is implemented by the Central Union of Chambers of Greece (KEE), as part of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020”. It is funded by the European Union (European Social Fund – ESF) and by national resources through the PIP.

For more information, please visit the relevant email address:

Republication of SF from the Chamber’s official page: Successful completion of the subsidised programme for the digital upskilling of workers in the private sector

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