14. 11. 2022.

The IAG launches the first Global Careers Month

The first Global Careers Month was launched on 8 November with the aim to showcase career guidance as a policy priority to support individuals by making economies more efficient and fairer societies

The Inter-Agency Career Guidance Working Group (IAG CGWG) launched the first edition of the Global Careers Month, which will take place between 8 November and 13 December 2022. The initiative promotes a series of global and regional events with the aim to showcase career guidance

IAG is composed of the European Commission, CedefopEuropean Training Foundation (ETF), the International Labour Organization (ILO), OECD, UNESCO and the World Bank

Career guidance is becoming more and more important, especially to support activities to help access decent work and livelihoods. During the process of economic recovery, it will play a crucial role in ensuring that skilling and reskilling activities are relevant to the labour market and in fostering professional mobility.

During the virtual opening ceremony on 8 November, which was hosted by the ETF, representatives of the organisers, social partners, career guidance experts and regional partners outlined the objectives of the initiative and looked ahead to the challenges and opportunities for people’s career prospects. 

Cedefop Head of Department for VET and Skills Antonio Ranieri told participants in this regard: “The great skill mismatch is a fundamental gap between employers’ and workers’ expectations and investment in learning. We need a stronger career guidance with synergies between all areas of policy”.

Objectives of the initiative

The specific objectives of the Global Careers Month are to:

  • raise awareness about the role and importance of effective career guidance to enable access to decent work and support growth efforts during the economic recovery;
  • identify shared challenges to the development of career guidance systems as well as local specificities linked to local contexts;
  • showcase high quality, as well as innovative solutions to promote career development support in diverse contexts and for learners at different stages in their educational and career pathways; and,
  • disseminate research undertaken by the collaborating agencies on the design and delivery of effective career guidance.


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