05. 12. 2022.

Webinar of the European Platform on Digital Skills and Employment: “Discovering ICT career opportunities”

This is followed by a press release of the National Alliance for Digital Skills and Employment:

The Secretariat-General for Digital Governance and Process Simplification, through the National Alliance for Digital Skills and Jobs, supports the objective set under the Digital Decade to train 20 million ICT specialists in the European Union by 2030.

Recognising the need to strengthen educational actions in new technologies and to increase the number of ICT specialists in order to fill gaps in the labour market, the National Alliance for Digital Skills and Employment is actively involved in the awareness-raising campaign on: “Discover your dream job in digital. The campaign targets pupils, students, women, workers who want to change their jobs, but also unemployed people who wish to re-enter the labour market. 

In this context, the webinar was organised under the auspices of the European Commission on 1DecemberDiscovering ICT careers : beyond programming and coding). Theseminar brought together representatives from the National Alliances of the Member States, who presented successful practices, such as the use of biometric tools to record features and support human interaction, but also students and young professionals who shared their professional experiences. At the same time, initiatives and actions were presented to encourage people with no digital background to improve career prospects in ICT, while at the same time helping to eliminate gender stereotypes or holding a degree in engineering or programming. 

More specifically, the Head of Unit of the European Commission – DG CONNECT Interactive Technologies, Digital for Culture and Education, Ms R.Schwinninger-Ladak, stressed that digital skills and education are part of ‘digital sovereignty’ and that the Digital Decade policy programme is based on the Digital Compass 2030. Dr. Anthony Mann – Senior Policy Analyst in the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills, focused on the use of PISA, an OECD International Student Assessment Programme, to analyse interest in ICT careers.

Finally, there was an urgent need to step up initiatives to encourage young people, especially women, to take a career in ICT, with the ultimate aim of reducing the gender digital divide and unlocking the growth potential of the digital economy.

Theseminar has been filmed and is available at: https://www.youtube.com/Watch? v=gTGi_U_579g Veterab_channel= DigitalEU.

Saznaj više

  • Digitalna tehnologija / specijalizacija:

    Umjetna inteligencija


    Internet stvari

    Big Data



    Proširena stvarnost

    Virtualna stvarnost

    Računalstvo visokih performansi

    Strojno učenje

    Računalstvo u oblaku




    Kvantno računalstvo


    Razvoj mobilnih aplikacija

    Razvoj web aplikacija


    Digitalne vještine

  • Razina digitalnih vještina:


    Stručnjak za digitalni sektor

  • Geografski opseg - Država:

    Europska Unija


  • Vrsta inicijative:

    Nacionalna inicijativa