


25. 11. 2021.

European Commission 2022 Work Programme

The European Commission's 2022 Work Programme will be following its plan and path to the digital decade to deliver on the EU's digital transformation by 2030.

The European Commission’s 2022 Work Programme will be continuing the momentum developed and will take the next step in the process of fulfilling the headline ambitions of the Union. 

The pandemic served to accelerate the digitalisation of Europe and the rest of the world. The Commission will be following its plan and path to the digital decade in order to deliver on the EU’s digital transformation by 2030. For European citizens to fully benefit from digital technology, there will need to be strong provisions for education in digital skills and beyond. 
This was highlighted as distance learning became the status quo during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is also underlined as a key target in the Digital Compass. To address the skills and knowledge gaps across the population, the European Commission will recommend measures to facilitate and promote digital skills in schools and higher education. 

The European Commission are determined to be the global leader for technology, which is trustworthy, secure, and human-focused. They will also work on implementing proposals for a safe and secure internet, a European digital identity and on trustworthy Artificial Intelligence.

Saznaj više

  • Digitalna tehnologija / specijalizacija:

    Digitalne vještine

  • Razina digitalnih vještina:




    Stručnjak za digitalni sektor

  • Geografski opseg - Država:

    Europska Unija

  • Vrsta inicijative:

    Institucionalna inicijativa EU-a